Welcome to PhyLAB (Learn, Analyse & Build)... the process of learning and teaching Physics.... In this blog I welcome each and every students who are appearing for their Physics-ISC examination. I will try to upload questions, movies and other materials which I have been using as a teaching aid. We at PhyLAB make sure you win over your frustrations or helplessness while learning physics and its related concepts.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Section C - Syllabus Communication System
Scope of Syllabus
Communication Systems
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, ground, sky and space wave propagation.
Need for modulation, amplitude and frequency modulation, bandwidth of signals, bandwidth of transmission medium, basic elements of a communication system (block diagram only).
Section C - Syllabus
The following topics and chapters are included in Section C. Kindly click on any topic listed below to see the scope of that entire topic as prescribed by CISCE (Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations).
Topics in Section CPhotoelectric Effect
Wave-Particle Duality
Atomic Structure
Nuclear Physics
Logic Gates
Communication Systems
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Section C - Semiconductors
Scope of Syllabus
Energy bands in solids; energy band diagrams for distinction between conductors, insulators and semi-conductors -intrinsic and extrinsic; electrons and holes in semiconductors.
Elementary ideas about electrical conduction in metals [crystal structure not included]. Energy levels (as for hydrogen atom), 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, etc. of an isolated atom such as that of copper; these split, eventually forming ‘bands’ of energy levels, as we consider solid copper made up of a large number of isolated atoms, brought together to form a lattice; definition of energy bands - groups of closely spaced energy levels separated by band gaps called forbidden bands.
An idealised representation of the energy bands for a conductor, insulator and semiconductor; characteristics, differences; distinction between conductors, insulators and semiconductors on the basis of energy bands, with examples; qualitative discussion only; energy gaps (eV) in typical substances (carbon, Ge, Si); some electrical properties of semiconductors. Majority and minority charge carriers electrons and holes; intrinsic semiconductors and extrinsic semiconductors, doping, p-type, n-type; donor and acceptor impurities.
Junction diode; symbol, simple qualitative description only [details of different types of formation not included]. [Bridge rectifier of 4 diodes not included]. Simple circuit diagrams of rectifier and input/output graphs(half wave and full wave rectifier), function of each component in the electric circuits, qualitative only.
Click Here to watch p-n junction and depletion region formation
Click Here to watch Working of a Half Wave Rectifier
Click Here to watch Working of a Full Wave Rectifier
Click Here to watch Working of a Half Wave Rectifier
Click Here to watch Working of a Full Wave Rectifier
Elementary ideas on solar cell, photodiode and light emitting diode (LED) as semi conducting diodes. Importance of LED’s as they save energy without causing atmospheric pollution and global warming.
Zener diode, V-I characteristics and circuit only of voltage regulator.
Junction transistor; n-p-n and p-n-p transistors; current gain in a transistor and transistor as an amplifier in common emitter mode (only circuit diagram and qualitative treatment); transistor as a switch; oscillator.
Simple qualitative description of construction-emitter, base and collector; n-p-n and p-n-p type; symbol showing direction of current in emitter-base region (one arrow only)- base is narrow; current gain in a transistor.
Common emitter configuration only, characteristics; IB vs VBE and IC vs VCE with circuit diagram [no numerical problem]
Common emitter transistor amplifier-correct diagram; qualitative explanation including amplification, wave form and phase reversal. [relation between α and β, not included, no numerical problems].
Transistor as a switch (qualitative only).
Circuit diagram and qualitative explanation of a simple oscillator.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Syllabus XII- Nuclear Physics
Scope of Syllabus
Nuclear Energy
- Nuclear fission; chain reaction; principle of operation of a nuclear reactor.
- Nuclear fusion; thermonuclear fusion as the source of the sun's energy.
Theoretical (qualitative) prediction of exothermic (with release of energy)nuclear reaction, in fusing together two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus and in splitting heavy nucleus to form middle order (lower mass number) nuclei, is evident from the shape of BE per nucleon versus mass number graph.
Click Here... to Watch Video on Nuclear Energy
Click Here... to Watch Video on binding energy
Also calculate the disintegration energy Q for a heavy nucleus (A=240) with BE/A (approx = 7.6 MeV per nucleon split into two equal halves with A=120 each and BE/A (approx= 8.5 MeV/nucleon); Q (approx = 200 MeV).
Discovery of fission. Any one equation of fission reaction. Chain reaction- controlled and uncontrolled; nuclear reactor and nuclear bomb.
Main parts of a nuclear reactor including a simple diagram and their functions - fuel elements, moderator, control rods, coolant, casing; criticality; utilization of energy output - all qualitative only.
Click Here... to Watch Video on Nuclear Reactor and its operation
Fusion, simple example of 4H1 to 4He2 and its nuclear reaction equation; requires very high temperature (approx= 10(exp 6 degrees); difficult to achieve; hydrogen bomb; thermonuclear energy production in the sun and stars. [Details of chain reaction not required].
Theoretical (qualitative) prediction of exothermic (with release of energy)nuclear reaction, in fusing together two light nuclei to form a heavier nucleus and in splitting heavy nucleus to form middle order (lower mass number) nuclei, is evident from the shape of BE per nucleon versus mass number graph.
Click Here... to Watch Video on Nuclear Energy
Click Here... to Watch Video on binding energy
Click Here... to Watch Video on Nuclear Energy
Click Here... to Watch Video on binding energy
Also calculate the disintegration energy Q for a heavy nucleus (A=240) with BE/A (approx = 7.6 MeV per nucleon split into two equal halves with A=120 each and BE/A (approx= 8.5 MeV/nucleon); Q (approx = 200 MeV).
Discovery of fission. Any one equation of fission reaction. Chain reaction- controlled and uncontrolled; nuclear reactor and nuclear bomb.
Main parts of a nuclear reactor including a simple diagram and their functions - fuel elements, moderator, control rods, coolant, casing; criticality; utilization of energy output - all qualitative only.
Click Here... to Watch Video on Nuclear Reactor and its operation
Fusion, simple example of 4H1 to 4He2 and its nuclear reaction equation; requires very high temperature (approx= 10(exp 6 degrees); difficult to achieve; hydrogen bomb; thermonuclear energy production in the sun and stars. [Details of chain reaction not required].